Hi, I'm Roy.

I'm passionate about math, code, and artificial intelligence.

I seek nature, exercise, and adventure.

About Me

cat aboutme.md
Highly motivated problem solver and self-learner.
I value respect, integrity, empathy, and open-mindedness.
Naturally drawn to programming and mathematics.
Pursuing **Masters in Machine Learning.**
I created this website as a portfolio and creative outlet.
I invite you to check out some of my projects below.


Below is a list of projects that I've worked on. Some will have a brief desription and stock image whilst others will link to a more complete description or github repo.

Portfolio Website (this one)

Made in NextJS using tailwindCSS and daisyUI.

Portfolio Websit)

Made in NextJS using tailwindCSS and daisyUI.

Portfolio Websit)

Made in NextJS using tailwindCSS and daisyUI.

Portfolio Websit)

Made in NextJS using tailwindCSS and daisyUI.

Portfolio Websit)

Made in NextJS using tailwindCSS and daisyUI.